Section 1:溫哥華旅遊
1. train station
2. 169
3. breakfast
4. science museum
5. gold mine
6. Chilcontin
7. fishing
8. boots
9. black bear
10. tent
Section 2:求分享
Section 3:女生與其導師的討論
21. Check the accuracy of reference in the last section. One thing the tutor required student to do accurately
22. Need to give more examples. Another thing required by tutor
23. When will she give her presentation? 答案:Next seminar
24. What will she do during the presentation? 答案:Explain the experiment
25. By which date will she submit an abstract? 答案:26th November
26. Where does her presentation take place? 答案:chemistry lab
(題目中有提到 computer room作為干擾)
27.Who will grade her presentation? 答案:Professor
(首先說到 first one by tutor然後說 this one by professor)
28.~30. circle three subjects she will choose in next term 選三個選項
28. A. Communication skills
29. C. Intercourse analysis
30. F. Psycholinguistics
Section 4:英國的郊區發展情況
31. Two kinds of people lived the suburbs:merchants and the wealthy people
32. Advantage in living in countryside: Low tax and the food prices are also low
33. some people liked to live in suburbs because it is easy to start a business
34. Building large-scale housing can meet the demand of growing population
35. And more automobiles appearing in roads led problem to the problem
36. of a lack of space
37.~40. match 6 different views on suburbs with 4 speakers
37. Speaker 1 living is healthier than cities
38. Speaker 2 less crowded than cities
39. Speaker 3 suburbs tended to be all the same
40. Speaker 4: the architecture style is more like urban construction and people pursue similar goals.
Task 1
- 注意觀察每種車輛三個時間點的增長與下降趨勢,進行分類。
- 注意選擇基準資料,與比較資料,進行不同分類之間的比較。
- 注意時態的使用。
Task 2
題目:In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today's world, which system is appropriate?
【分析】題目的難點「for today's world」,寫作過程中一定要回應到這個部分,福爾摩思能預測很多同學會在此失分,這個叫時間限定。