「歷史」一直是托福閱讀常考的主題,和「生物」並駕齊驅。而在高頻重覆的歷史主題中,有一篇文章一定要帶大家瞧瞧。因為這篇文章在2020年1月4日、10月3日、10月份的托福在家考、11月7日不斷出現!魔幻的2020年還沒結束,它就已經重覆登場4次,是不是應該特別提出讓各位夥伴留意呢? 它就是Colonial America and the Navigation Acts。
涉及北美地區,是美國話題的重要組成部分,但需要特別說明,標題中的Colonial America不是美國殖民地,而是美洲殖民地。
Finally, the Navigation Acts made the colonies a protected market for low-priced consumer goods and other exports from Britain. Steady overseas demand for colonial products created a prosperity that enabled colonists to consume ever-larger amounts not only of clothing but of dishware, home furnishings, tea, and a range of other items both produced in Britain and imported by British and colonial merchants from elsewhere. Consequently, the share of British exports sold to the colonies rapidly increased from just 5 percent in 1700 to almost 40 percent by 1760. Cheap imported goods enabled many colonists to adopt a lifestyle similar to that of middle-class Britons.
10. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. British and colonial merchants prospered because of a demand in the colonies for increasing amounts of consumer goods made in Britain.
B. Both the colonists and the British increasingly consumed clothing and other household items imported from foreign countries by colonial merchants.
C. The wealth gained from exporting their products enabled the colonists to buy increasing quantities of consumer goods brought into North America by British and colonial merchants.
D. As merchants increased their wealth, they began to widen the range of products they exported from North America to Britain and the British colonies elsewhere.
原因1 :Steady overseas demand → 導致結果1 prosperity;
同時prosperity又作為原因2,使得colonists to consume ever-larger amounts。
A選項錯在British merchants 沒有prospered,只有colonial merchants prospered。
B選項和A一樣,討論的物件錯誤了,原句的重點是講colonial merchants。
D選項的began to widen the range of products屬於無中生有,錯誤。
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